Indigo Moon Mosaics
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About Indigo Moon Mosaics

- Overview

- Artist Statement

- Curriculum Vitae

- Pricing




Jess Regelson: Artist Statement

I became a mosaic artist because I could not throw away some dishes I had broken, which I had received from my grandmother. Several years later, I was making murals with schoolchildren, decorating furniture, and installing commissions for private clients.

The art school I attended was the Providence Public Library.

My work as a mosaic artist is in a constant state of evolution, as I explore the possibilities of the medium. In the past, I have worked primarily as a muralist, but more recently I have been creating works from my studio in Pawtucket, R.I. In my sculptures, I have been exploring how to depict something soft using hard materials, and how to suggest interior as well as exterior space.

Up until now, most of my work has focused on the decorative aspect of mosaics. More recently, I have been considering how to make mosaics more a medium of personal expression.


All images © Copyright 1998-2025, Jess Regelson, Indigo Moon Mosaics
Providing private and public mosaic commissions and installations, including shower floors, backsplashes, hearths, sculptures and murals.
52 Dexterdale Road, Providence, RI 02906  |  401.556.8608  |
Website design & functionality by Media Conscious